Victory Church of Poland - 'Hope In a Time of War'

The Victory Church of Poland, under Pastor Magda Broda, has been a light in dark times. With the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, many have sought shelter in neighbouring countries such as Poland.

The church has taken it upon themselves to be a place of safety, outreach, and hope to the refugees that have been flooding into the nation.


Interview - 2.5 min

Interview - 8.5 min

Prayer Points for Poland

  1. Pray for wisdom - Pastor Magda and her leadership are continually looking for more ways to offer help to the incoming refugees. They need wisdom in dealing with the current situation and the best actions to take.

  2. Pray for outreach events - Big plans are in the works for evangelistic outreach events. The team in Poland need insight and wisdom on the best way to spread the Gospel. Prayer for blessing on all the preparations for these events would also be much appreciated.

  3. Pray for a softening of hearts - In such a time of chaos and war, people need toe Gospel and are hungry for God. Pray that the Lord prepares their hears to receive the good news of His saving grace.